Anxiety and depression are two of the most commonly diagnosed mental illnesses. Often, they even appear hand in hand. However, the connection between anxiety and depression may not be obvious at first.
We usually associate anxiety with high-energy emotions and nervousness, while we associate depression with low-energy emotions. Despite appearing as opposites, there are many shared symptoms between the two.
In fact, depression and anxiety have what is called a high rate of “comorbidity”, or the presence of two or more medical conditions occurring simultaneously. But why? And how? Let’s look at how the two operate and then explore how and why they are so often seen together.
About Depression
Depression is one of the most diagnosed mental illnesses across the globe. It’s typically characterized by feelings of low self-worth, hopelessness, and a lack of motivation—all of which can severely affect your day-to-day functioning. Some may be able to go through the motions, while others may experience a much more debilitating effect on their life.
Potential Causes of Depression
Traumatic experiences
Family history of clinical depression
Major life events/changes
Serious medical illnesses
Social isolation
Biological differences
Symptoms of Depression
Loss of interest
Feelings of sadness and hopelessness
Problems sleeping or sleeping too much
Fatigue and trouble concentrating
Suicidal thoughts
Pain with no physical cause
About Anxiety
Anxiety occurs when a person’s fight-or-flight center of the brain activates. Feeling anxiety now and then is completely normal and healthy—it helps keep us safe in potentially dangerous situations! But it becomes an anxiety disorder when symptoms are persistent and overwhelming. For some, symptoms may persist without an identifiable cause. Others may develop unhealthy avoidance behaviors.
Potential Causes of Anxiety
Traumatic experiences
Family history of clinical anxiety
Stress from life events
Specific phobias
Separation anxiety
Biological differences
Symptoms of Anxiety
Feeling nervous, worried or restless
A sense of impending doom
Tense muscles
Racing heartbeat
Trouble sleeping
Sweating and trembling
The Link Between Anxiety and Depression
You may have noticed that many of the causes and symptoms of depression and anxiety overlap, which can make it hard to identify if you have one or the other. That’s why it’s beneficial to seek the opinion of a professional. They’ll be able to look at the nuances and help you navigate what you’re experiencing.
Anxiety frequently leads to depression and vice versa. A person with anxiety might feel so debilitated by their panic attacks that they neglect their day-to-day responsibilities, leading to depression about perceived short-comings. Someone with depression might begin to feel anxiety because of their own self-doubts or social isolation.
These are just some examples of how anxiety and depression can feed into each other. Of course, the level of interaction can vary depending on the person. Perhaps you experience 80% depression and 20% anxiety, or maybe it feels like an even split.
When it comes to figuring out if you’re experiencing both anxiety and depression, these are some common shared symptoms to look out for:
Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities
Tiredness or fatigue
Major changes in eating habits
Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
Short temper and irritability
Unexplainable pain, like stomach aches or headaches
Panic attacks
One thing that both of these disorders have in common is that they can improve with treatment. Counseling, and sometimes medication, can be extremely effective in treating your symptoms. But there are also steps you can take on your own, like exercising, journaling, reaching out to loved ones, and doing breathing exercises.
Most importantly, you don’t have to deal with anxiety and/or depression on your own. Reach out today to learn how you can cope and improve your quality of life.
For more information on anxiety treatment and depression treatment, follow the links!